The Rating System.


(0 / 4) Unwatchable

This is reserved for films that neither Lovelock, Starkwell, nor myself for that matter, were able to sit through in their entirety. Not recommended at all to anyone ever.


(1 / 4) Terrible

Really bad movies. Only recommended for masochists, or zombie fans looking to brag about having sat through the whole thing.


(2 / 4) Mediocre

Perfectly adequate films, but aren't ones we'll be running back to anytime soon, or quite possibly ever. Mildly recommended for zombie fanatics only, who are looking for a laugh or a way to burn through ninety minutes.


(3 / 4) Fantastic

Enjoyable movies.  They don't always offer anything new to the genre, but are fun to watch. Highly recommended to both horror fans and zombie fanatics!


(4 / 4) Classic

Amazing movies.  This is reserved for films that are real achievements in the zombie genre.  These are films that most genre fans will already know and love.  Recommended for all, essential viewing for horror and zombie fanatics.


(5 / 4) Almost Zombie Hall

This is reserved for films that come as close to perfection as you might expect.  These should be considered as great films even by non-horror and non-zombie fans. Essential viewing for all! Life-changing for zombie fans!


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