With Brian Yuzna back
once again at the helm, Herbert West should hopefully be up to his eyeballs in
guts in no time. Jeffrey Combs returns again as well. Starkwell and Lovelock are happy to see the
ol’ gang back together again. The ol’
gang being, of course, Herbert West and gore. Let’s see how this (hopefully) last entry in
the series holds up.
[Kids have a campout
in the backyard. Older sister hangs
around in the house.]
Starkwell: No girl
walks around listening to music in her underwear drinking glasses of milk. Ever.
Lovelock: Like you
would know.
Starkwell: You would?
[Girl hears a noise,
walks around house to investigate.]
Starkwell: Turn on a
fucking light!
Lovelock: Luckily
there’s thunder and lightning to light up that... zombie!!!
[Zombie smashes girl’s
head in. Cops come and kill zombie, take
Herbert away in a cop car.]
Lovelock: Why doesn’t
anyone seem shocked that there is a dead person still squirming around?
Starkwell: Probably
for the same reason that the kid just found Herbert’s a glowing syringe full of
Herbert’s serum randomly on the ground.
Lovelock: If this
movie turns out to be all about the kid re-animating his fugly sister, I’m
going to be pretty pissed off.
The opening credits
were as cool as ever, with that awesome fucking music. But then we get a weird prison scene where
West is conducting experiments on rats in his cell, and the cell next door has
some “KERAZY” people! Anyways,
apparently the kid grew up to become a doctor, Doctor Philips, and is now
starting his new job at the prison, the very same prison that West is at. Turns out he has requested for West to work
with him…
Starkwell: Why would
the warden let an inmate work with the doctor?
Lovelock: Because the acting in this movie is HORRIBLE.
Starkwell: Also, if
that’s the kid from the beginning, wouldn’t it have taken another twenty-five
years to be a doctor at the prison, and so wouldn’t that make Herbert West MUCH
[Herbert West says
it’s been thirteen years.]
Starkwell: How in the heck did the kid become a doctor in thirteen years?
Lovelock: MAGIC!
The Doctor instantly
trusts Herbert West and decides they will work together, and gives him back his
serum, which they inject on a newly dead guy who re-animates and goes crazy and
bites a guard. There’s a blonde reporter
who is there for no fucking reason other than to be an immediate sexual
interest for Doctor Philips, have huge boobies, and be allowed to roam a prison without a
chaperone, much like most of the prisoners seem to be.
Lovelock: You would
think that the nurse in a prison wouldn’t be dressed in such a whore-ish nurse
Starkwell: Yeah, you
would think… This sucks. I’m out.
I think it was partly
that the reporter went home with the Doctor RIGHT after they met and partly that the
Doctor told her the truth about everything. Also that they boned immediately. It was so damn stupid. Lovelock agreed, but wanted to at least wait
and see it through until all hell breaks loose in the prison, which it
inevitably will.
Lovelock: More like
“Beyond Stupid”, am I right?
Starkwell? Oh yeah…
Seriously, the
characters in this movie are some of the dumbest that anyone has ever
seen. Herbert West is definitely the
smartest person in this world, but that’s not saying much. In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is
king. In this case the blind are stupid
and the one-eyed man is completely insane.
Also it’s boring. Did that make
any sense? No? Yeah, I don’t care.
Lovelock: More like “Beyond Boring”, wake me up
when something happens.
There was a prison
riot, and they reanimated the girl using the warden’s soul, the warden was
reanimated using a rat soul, and he grew rat teeth, and… well anyways, the
point is, I woke him up just in time to see the Drug Addict guy explode after
injecting himself with the serum.
Lovelock: Why is there
a rat pushing a severed penis through the air ducts?
Lovelock: Why is the
torso of the Mexican Prisoner able to fly?
Lovelock: Why is the
Reporter dressed up like a hooker?
He had more questions, but really, what’s the point. This movie is bad.
hahha you (guys) crack me up! I actually like this movie, but I have a geek/crush on Mr. Combs and the penis/rat fight cracks me up for some reason. It is boring most of the time though.