This relatively recent picture is a zombie film by way of
“The Crazies” with a bit of a ‘slasher in the woods’ vibe mixed in for good
measure. From what I can understand, it
is an Australian film, so if nothing else, Lovelock will probably enjoy the
[Flashback to 12,000 years ago, a caveman writes on a wall.]
Lovelock: That’s some pretty fancy feathers he’s wearing on
his head... for a caveman.
Starkwell: He’s drawing on a wall. Clearly he’s more of a dainty caveman.
Lovelock: Pfff… artists.
[He’s attacked and eaten (?) by a rabid caveman.]
Lovelock: Now THAT’s a caveman.
Anyways, then with the magical magic of film magic, it zooms ahead
to the present day, and some young adults are traveling through the Australian
wilderness, looking for the paintings that this caveman did, all so that some dude can get a PhD.
[There’s some guy in the woods killing rabid people with a
Starkwell: Wait, so they’re driving in the day and this guy
is simultaneously killing people in the woods at night? That’s just bad editing.
Lovelock: Maybe that’s more 12,000 year old flashbacks.
[I’m thinking maybe the slaying happened the night
before? Not sure.]
They find a tunnel that goes through a mountain that
apparently leads to the drawings. The
main girl gets spooked while walking through the tunnel and nicks her arm on a
rock. The blood hits the ground and
Lovelock: Man, I can’t wait for the evil to take over and
make them all eat each other.
[Blonde girl and nerd start doing it in a tent.]
Lovelock: Well, this is alright I guess.
Doesn’t take much longer to get going. With a fairly short runtime, it makes
sense. Anyways main dude kills a killer
bunny, and Lovelock made at least seventeen Monty Python jokes.
[Blonde girl goes skinny dipping.]
Lovelock: This movie certainly is milking the whole dumb
blonde thing.
Starkwell: Skinny-dipping.
Alone. In the Australian
[She has leeches all over naked body.]
Lovelock: Well that’s one way to get some booby into the
Starkwell: Sex scene and skinny dipping. A great addition to the actress' resume, no doubt.
They develop main girl character a little. She has the typical “crazy ex-boyfriend
locked her up in a basement and tried to kill her (?)” baggage. Comic relief guy seems to be nice. Anyways, other than the Dumb Blonde and her
Nerd boyfriend, the characters actually are fairly alright. And then Dumb Blonde goes RABID. Slowly,
grossly, and wickedly... And the crowd
goes wild. There’s also some kind of
mini bugs that seem to be eating things, like their tent… and their tires!
[Since they can’t drive, they plan on WALKING Rabid Blonde
back to the nearest town on a stretcher.
At night. Through the forest.]
Lovelock: So that’s their plan? Build a stretcher?
Starkwell: What would you do?
Lovelock: I'd hit her with a rock until she stops wiggling.
Starkwell: Remind me never to get sick around you.
[The sun comes up.]
Lovelock: It took them all night to build that shitty
[Blonde goes FULL RABID, with sharp teeth and eating a
bunny. Then she attacks the group. PhD Dude attacks her face repeatedly with a
Starkwell: Jesus. I guess the PhD Dude is taking your approach?
Lovelock: Yeah but it's too late. Spent all night building a stretcher he'll never use, instead of spending all night bashing her head in with a rock until she stops wiggling.
Starkwell: The 'wiggling' thing is creeping me out lots.
Then they show Rabid Blonde tackling a kangaroo and eating
it. It looks really fake and bad. Plus the way she screams is super
annoying. At this point the movie turns
into a montage of them setting up traps for their now rabid and homicidal
friend. It’s alright I guess. Lovelock says he would prefer if there was
more eating and less planning.
Admittedly, it’s over halfway through the film and we’ve only seen one
rabid camper? Not exactly the outbreak
we were all hoping for.
[They trap her momentarily, but she escapes and takes a huge
bite out of Comic Relief’s neck.]
Lovelock: That’s what I’m talking about.
[Later that night she comes back to the camp and drags Comic
Relief away to finish eating him, and throw the carcass in the cave.]
Starkwell: Wait, is she feeding the cave?
Lovelock: I don’t know, but it certainly is all quite
Starkwell: No good.
Then PhDude starts to turn and the remaining three draw
straws to see who will kill him. They
seemed to not want to kill the Blonde, but now with him, he hasn’t even turned and they want to immediately knife him?
Starkwell straight up starts laughing at the movie.
[When only the Nerd and Main Girl remain, Nerd decides to
fight back!]
Lovelock: So Nerd grew a pair?
[Bad ‘hard rock’ music kicks in.]
Starkwell: Like that helps.
[Nerd dies. But also
kills Rabid PhDude?]
Lovelock: Win-win as far as I am concerned.
So now Main Girl has to go in the cave, which she was
already afraid of before there was a demon girl hunting her. Now there seems to be some kind of tentacle
or long tongue thing following her around (?)…
She runs into the other girl who is apparently still alive but… pregnant
with a demon baby? Other Girl dies, after stabbing herself in the uterus and carving out the demon fetus... Main Girl is pinned down by the tentacle-tongues,
and then some kind of Jabba the Hut creature comes out from the depths of CGI
and tries to rape her repeatedly.
Lovelock: ...
Starkwell: ...
[She gets away… miraculously (?)… runs out of the cave and
bashes Blonde Girl’s head in with a rock… ROLL CREDITS.]
Lovelock: Well at least they finally went with the rock.
Starkwell: So who was the guy with the machete at the
beginning cutting up people?
Lovelock: If they had just listened to me before...
Starkwell: And just because she left the cave… why would that
make her safe? What is the evil just turned off now?
Lovelock: Hey, what were those swarms of flies eating things earlier in the movie?
Starkwell: And… and… just… FUCK THIS MOVIE.
One of the laziest endings ever. Complete with bad CGI. Hooray.